Monday, October 7, 2013


Highly Sensitive/Spiritual Person- Am I? My Sister, about a year ago, introduced that title/label to me. I pretty much would explain many many many things about how I function, and dysfunction!

I read the definition-Highly-Sensitive_person   A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a person having the innate trait of high sensory processing sensitivity (or innate sensitiveness as Carl Jung originally coined it[1][2]). According to Elaine N. Aron and colleagues as well as other researchers, highly sensitive people, who comprise about a fifth of the population (equal numbers in men and women), may process sensory data much more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous systems.[3] This is a specific trait, with key consequences for how we view people, that in the past has often been confused with innate shyness, social anxiety problems, inhibitedness, social phobia and innate fearfulness,[4][5] and introversion.[6] The trait is measured using the HSP Scale, which has been demonstrated to have both internal and external validity.[6] Although the term is primarily used to describe humans, something similar to the trait is present in over 100 other species.

hmm....sort of sounds like me....I've been told I'm empathic, that I possess the gift of discernment, that I can predict what a person's intentions are....and all of those can be wrapped up into the identity of a HSP....then I read this site: Living Samsara And WOW....that is me! My weirdness has an actual definition! (p.s...I am very aware what Samsara means, and yes I am Christian~HSP is not implying a double belief or blasphemy-God gives us all gifts-sensitivity is very much so a gift...unless you are me and have no clue how to use it as a strength yet)

The downfall of being a HSP is trying to function in this highly sensory world day in and day out without melting into oblivion! It's all about talking and selling yourself, and being 'out there' being 'seen, and heard'. To be honest I'd rather watch from the corner ...a very dark corner. But in relationship like family, or significant other...the corner isn't so easy to find. They have a hard time understanding my need for solitude, and they show what sometimes borders on resentment that they can't get away with much around me. I can't tell you how I know what they are up to...I just know...and to tell you the truth there have been many a day I wished that I didn't.

Just last week I vocalized what I thought would be the actions of an employee who'd been with us just over a year, and when it came to fruition a week later, others were amazed that 'I called it'....Me...not so much, but I was still highly disappointed, even though I've known for this person's whole term that their intentions were not true....while their lips were saying one thing...their behavior was displaying otherwise...that person was being fake, and lieing...a lot....the hard part do you express that in a professional setting? How do you tell your supervisor that you just know? and how in the H_E_(double hockey sticks) doesn't anybody else see it?

It's like sitting in a theater watching a movie for the umpteenth time while everyone else in the audience is attending for the first already know when the screams are coming, you already know what's happening next....but nobody else knows...nobody else is catching on....It's frustrating sometimes.

I'm not real sure how it translates in a positive way into intimate and family's been more of a rocky road of men for me...if only it had been as sweet and tasty as the ice cream... 

I'd rather just find the on/off switch, turn it off, and then smash the crap out of the switch so that it could never ever ever be turned on again...if anybody out there has any proactive and faith based suggestions for a eyes and ears are open...since they always are anyway!

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