Monday, August 19, 2013

Opposites Attract~He's An Extrovert In My Introverted World

Something in our DNA makes us attracted to our polar opposites...I used to think it was some heavenly joke, but now I think God is conducting a case study to figure out how to teach us tolerance, patience, kindness, and love since we are such a stubborn pile of chromosomes.

In my case, I am an Introvert, and he is an Extrovert. I can't tell you how many times in the past 7 years he has said or done something in public that made me want to crawl under a rock and stay there....foorrreevverrr! And he probably can't tell you
how many times he has wanted to shake me until my protective bubble busted just to get me to saaaayyy something to someone or quite avoiding people...yeah all you introverts know the grocery store shuffle I speak of! You see 'so and so' and immediately gear your basket in the opposite direction!  My husband and kids are forever chasing behind me in the store asking 'but why are we avoiding them?!'  Truth is, I didn't really have an answer- one that would make sense to them anyway....I mean I like people...well most people..and probably only because God tells me to, but with that aside...interacting with all that small talk stuff feels to me like going to the dentist and having your molar pulled with no anesthesia!

A few months ago we found ourselves down to one working vehicle. The logical thing was for him to use it because he commutes, and for me to either walk or ride a bike being as I only live a little over a mile from work. So, for me that meant changing around my whole world which didn't even cross his busy extroverted mind. Why my whole world you ask? Because I had to walk 'early' enough in the morning and 'late' enough in the afternoons for nobody, and I do mean nobody, in our community to actually see me doing it. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself and possibly have to explain/talk to anyone about 'why' I was walking. Then there was the whole bike issue. I hadn't ridden, nor was I coordinated enough to ride one....I mean being graceful escaped me somewhere between age 15 and, and I hadn't ridden one in oh let's see....20years! 

So he valiantly buys me a hot pink bike, and adds an 'extra' cushioned aka rather large seat to hold up my well endowed derriere. Here is the scenario: He rides it in the front yard, adjusts the handles, adjusts the seat, makes sure the tires are well aired and in great condition. With great care he gets my rather cool looking, hot pink ride ready. It was as if he was getting it ready for me to ride cross country here!...And my anxiety starts to build and build and build!...And again you ask..Why? BECAUSE....It dawned on me that I was going to have to ride that bike...IN FRONT OF PEOPLE! My mind goes into overload! I think...what if I draw attention to myself somehow...what if I wreck as someone is passing me, or even worse what if I have to stop for some unforeseen reason like, oh let's see, traffic and I attempt to do that elegant balance to one side thing only to discover, I can't reach the ground(I'm 4'11.5~yes the .5 counts), then I topple over in a heap in front of passing traffic and get noticed- possibly laughed at -but even worse...They stop to help!  And I have to have a conversation, and reach deep into the recesses of my social skills to say something witty about how graceful I've grown to be in my old age! Ok, breathe I say breathe...surely it won't come to that! And right at that moment he looks over at me, and flashes his signature cheesy smile and says..."Come on!" (excitedly and with much anticipation) "Go ride it real quick and see if it fits you right!" I'm like "Right now?! In the daylight?! In front of all the neighbors?!" I get a blank stare...followed by disappointing look, and then I feel the frustration...He was probably thinking, 'I, the manly man, just rode a hot pink bike in front of all the neighbors, and you have a problem with it?!' He didn't understand...I wasn't devaluing his efforts, I was simply terrified, frozen in fear about being seen, and not just that but being seen performing a huge, and I mean HUGE faux pas and then possibly having to talk to someone who saw me! 

It's just that my world as an Introvert makes so much more sense to me in quiet contemplation without so much of the clutter of action, people, and noise....and he thrives on those in an instance like this how do we balance our Introverted/Extroverted relationship?

Multiple Choice....
  1. We spend most of our time apart because we just don't get each other
  2. We break up because I think he's weird and he thinks I'm weird
  3. We paint my bike black so I can go Ninja style!  OR
  4. He goes for a bike ride alongside of me in an area with no traffic on a quiet weekend so he can teach me the basics of dismounting a bike without falling in a heap on the ground and humiliating myself in public.

Yeah, I like 3 too but no, he opted for 4.  Through all of our frustrations with our opposite personalities- we have learned that the key is tolerance, patience, kindness, and love for each other.

He is actually the first person I've met that embraces my personality, encourages who I am, and doesn't berate me for what most people consider my weirdness. 

That was the best bike ride I've been on in oh let's see, at least 20yrs.!

Love each others weirdness...and celebrate it as much as you can........those are the kind of moments you'll cherish forever...

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