Monday, August 19, 2013

I Got The TT's

Yeah I got the TT's ~ Texting Troubles that is...

I don't understand how the young ones don't struggle when texting...Perhaps it's because they don't take the time to spell out words or do any efficient punctuation, and I'm a little obsessed with it. (Just a little though)

The problem with texting especially in a disagreement with your wife or husband is there is no emotional ques behind them, so sarcasm can read like anger, and
auto corrects can throw a whole different meaning into your entire message.

Although technology is a wonderful thing, it's also a dangerously powerful thing...a proverbial Catch 22....

Today's young generation doesn't ever seem to have a face to face or voice to voice conversations. I can call my daughter and get no answer, then instantly turn around and text her and she will text me back! :/...hmm go figure.

I think the danger of texting in relationships  is that it takes all the responsibility out of your words...It's just easier to say what you have to say in writing...there is no immediate emotional consequence of dealing with the other person's response. We no longer have the courage to be totally face to face honest in today's society...We live in a world of you cant's...You can't pray in public, you can't say that in public, you can't use that word, and so on, and so on. So instead people text it, or post it!

Because I love to write, I can express myself in writing so much better than I ever could face to face, but it is with a great deal of forethought...hence I'm not so good at texting. I'm noot quick on the draw. Heck, I'm not even good at the draw. I struggle to keep up with my daughter...shes 12texts in before i ever shoot off one.

TT's draws arguments like moth's to a flame....Trying to argue via text is easy and hard...easy because my phone's auto correct readily spews out all the bad words, but hard because when you're trying to be eloquent or make a calm point you have to go back and make sure it didn't add any less than favorable adjectives....

Why don't we just pick up the phone anymore, get rid of the TT's once and for all? I think it's because we somehow believe that we get more done that way...for us older people though it's just not easy to have a live conversation and a text conversation at the same time...Being a successful multi-tasker is a myth anyway. It's a lie perpetuated on America to push production...the truth is; it creates disorder,  mistakes, and stress...

I've mixed up conversations between text and live talk while doing laundry and cooking, and it isn't a pretty sight to see. If I could explain it to you in a picture this is what it would look like...
Yup...that's about as intense as I I did need a shave...My hunny thought maybe it was a symptom of early onset alzheimers as I answered the text in my conversation to him!

But there is great news! I have a cure for the TT's! Alas the answer you have all been waiting for! Slow down, stop trying to solve relationship issues through text, or trying to have long drawn out conversations through text! Instead, have focused LIVE conversations...AND...Do your parent's, your spouse, and the Crazy Lady a favor...Pick up your phone when we call!

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