Monday, August 12, 2013


I know that everyone says you should try to get along....but if you didn't, if it was a truly abusive affair...No, not like an affair affair as in <a matter causing public scandal and controversy: > then I don't see any sane reason you should be forced to revisit those instances, or those people who continue to be abusive to you.

Families today are broken. The family unit is not what it used to be. Step parent's, half siblings, step grandparents- so many merging families with diverse backgrounds, and it makes it hard to blend everybody together but everyone has to be willing, and sometimes the Ex's just aren't willing. I'm not saying you should ever hate your Ex, or be unforgiving. As a matter of fact I don't hate my Ex or his family at all, but there comes a time when enough is enough. I've long since forgiven them for how I felt wronged. I don't however, feel the need to continue to expose myself to people who -given chance after chance-continue to treat me with a complete lack of respect and judgement. It's not healthy for my spirit to be around people who make it apparent they don't like me, and have proven it over and over.

Whether or not you have children with your Ex, just remember...once them puppies are emancipated, there is no reason to expose yourself to the outlaws...especially if any abusive hate continues like gossip, backbiting, character bashing....those are all clues that maybe they don't quite like you, never have, and never will.

It's a funny thing standing up for yourself...
there are usually very few, if any,  
standing by you when you say  OK......

Let me tell you, I've heard it all from 'You have to'...'For the kids'...'For the grand-kids'....and then one day I woke up from my alien induced coma, and I realized (Angelic choir in the background singing...Aaaaaaaa)....You know what!? Nooooo I' don't. I don't have to expose myself to situations where I have to be around people who are detrimental to my Spirit! To the soul that God bestowed on me, gifted me to protect, and guard from any evil trying to destroy it!

I wholeheartedly believe with all my soul that when people place this kind of pressure to 'deal' with others abusive behavior, that pressure is in itself abusive. It took me years to figure this out ladies and gentlemen....So this is a HUGE revelation for me, and I want to share it with you...Here it goes...big drumroll...
It is perfectly OK to say NO! To say~ 'It's NOT OK to treat me like that!' It's NOT OK to be awful to me until someone you think matters comes around, then like a bipedal(not polar....pedal...yup that's what I meant) a bipedal psycho path, you instantly turn into the nicest albeit creepiest person in the world! 

Allow yourself grace....and just walk away and don't look back or feel guilty...Liberate yourself from the suppression of bullies, and abuse! 

After all~NO MEANS NO....Just ask Loonette The Clown from 
The Big Comfy Couch....I love this song! ...
Learn it, Sing it, Live It People!



  1. Love ya girlie :) You are so smart

    1. Love you too!!! and Thank You!!!
