Monday, July 29, 2013

Learning To Live Messy

Coexisting with your partner is THE challenge...Everything and I mean everything...from how you like your room arranged to how you fold your laundry can become a disagreement and mulling through differences is messy. 

If you are going to commit to being together forever and ever...why not make it a happy forever and ever? 

And to make it happy you gotta to 
learn to live messy. 

A wise woman once said to me that she told her husband "Listen, we're stuck with each other for the rest of our lives, so we may as well learn to get along instead of being miserable all the darn time."

I've learned as I get older that I've never done messy very well. Well that's not entirely true... my nickname for my hunny is Messy Marvin...but I'm not talking about that kind of messy.

I mean messy as in learning to tolerate the other person's everything. Their illness, their quirks, their emotional personality, their inability to pick up their dirty socks, etc. Because for every 'mess' that you have to tolerate and possibly clean up...there is something positive and fun you can find in your partner. Maybe your heart can be swept away with their humility, or giving nature, or eventhough they aren't so domestic they are very active in other ways. For instance, Marvin is a go getter...he is fearless in the pursuit of his endeavors, and I think he is one of the bravest people I know. I never doubt that he wouldn't do whatever it took to take care of our family.

Learning to live messy is all about perspective. Besides what's messy to me is not necessarily messy to to my Marvin and vice versa. 

There are days...oh there are days when it takes every last ounce of patience to deal with the messes because I get caught up in that lie that 'Everything would be perfect if...." 
That is so untrue. Whatever sentence comes after the a flat out lie
Because I will always find something else to put after if.....besides those negative thoughts are just bad spirits trying to create hardship in my life.

Instead...I tell myself to think...'Everything is perfect because.....Because Marvin is sexy and hot....he throws the trash...he kisses my forehead in such a tender loving way...he is a considerate partner...he leaves his socks lieing around our bedroom and not another woman's...he is a good provider...he is honest and honorable...he is a generous giver...oh and because I think he is sexy and hot...

Of all the people I've met in my life...the ones that seem truly soulfully happy aren't the ones with the perfect house or perfect bodies...they are the ones who laugh, the ones who make life about enjoying each other, the ones who's priority is people...not appearances...

 Embrace each others messy, communicate about it, and work through it....most importantly...give a little or rather give alot....