Tuesday, June 18, 2013


You can be as modern of a woman as you want to be, but you can't deny it. Deep down, you want that Knight to sweep you off your feet...to rescue you and take you on the adventure of your life.

All women crave adventure to feel beautiful. We just crave it in our own unique ways. And all of those modern bachelors pretending that their singularity and shallow trysts deserve Guinness Book bragging rights are just missing out on the whole awesomeness of the gift you've been given to lead, to rescue, to be that hero that makes her feel beautiful.

The road to beauty is found when you seek out adventure...It's a pretty simple concept that we somehow muddy up with vanity, selfishness, and just being downright shallow.

Now, when I say beautiful, I don't mean what society's perception or definition of  beautiful is. Botox, implants, fake tans, plastic surgery, etc...all that just conceals our true beauty. Sure it makes for a really eye-catching wrapping job but it doesn't define beauty by any means. When I think of being beautiful, I think of how it 'feels'...when my partner gives from his heart or says a kind word, or makes a kind gesture, or when a woman comforts her child as only a Mom can do, or experiencing someone with a positive loving heart who spreads their happiness and smiles like a virus, or when Jesus healed those who were suffering...that's what beautiful is to me. And when you are on an authentic adventure with a person you love...you feel that kind of beautiful inside.

Discover Your Love Language
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, taught me so much about the importance of relationship lingo. I learned that I had to learn to speak his dialect, and he mine, or continue stumbling through our relationship, and risk losing battle after battle in this war to find lasting love.
After all, you have to know how your partner speaks love before you can even make an attempt at the four letter word. People have blocked out intimacy so much anymore that I doubt they even know what their own love language is much less be capable of communicating it to their partner. So to know it, we have to listen...carefully and patiently.  It's part of that exquisite voyage to discover their sweet spot.

 Now, what kind of adventures can men come up with to take women on? Like a gazillion! Not shopping-never shopping- that is not an adventure...it's more like torture. Unless you are shopping for something like a car...then it's like tag team wrestling against the dreaded car salesman, a most dreadful foe, and that can be fun fun. 

My partner takes me fishing, which I absolutely love, and hunting...which is still sinking in...the jury's out on whether or not I'll really enjoy that one. I can hold a gun, use a gun, and shoot at a target. But killing an animal? That may be where my emotions draw the line, unless the animal is trying to kill me that is, then I become  Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt!

We also go places we have never been before and try to create opportunities to have new experiences together. For those who like to stay close to your Casita, home renovations/improvements can also be an interesting journey, but I've heard some people say it's toxic to their relationships. You just have to be, once again, aware of your partner's love language and choose your work assignment carefully. For me, home improvements are a blast..mainly because I have no clue about the how to and so I'm perfectly willing to follow...and I get to be the decorator while he does all the pesky structural planning and math stuff! Adventures don't have to be expensive either. Staying in and watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch can be an adventure in itself if you know what I mean (wink wink).

The adventure should become an experience that draws you into each other. For instance, although I could fish by myself or with someone else and so could he, we choose not to. He's my fishing buddy, and I'm his...it's where we do our best soul talk.


So for you men, take time to listen and find her love language, and then take her on that kind of adventure. She will find part of her beauty there. And when she does...watch out! You're in for a real soul changing ride.

And for you women, be willing to follow him on that adventure. To put it plainly, get out of your own way and stop trying to be society beautiful. Truthfully be you. Listen and find his love language as well...give the man what he needs to feel loved for goodness sake and stop trying to fit into that 'modern woman lie.' All this advice you've been force fed about being mysterious(aka conniving or deceiving) is just down right wrong...
Be you! Dare to take the mask off and be naturally who God made you...and when your partner sees you through honest eyes...watch out! You're in for a soul shaking ride!

 Adventure...Just Do It!

Whatever adventure you decide on...Make sure to find beauty in the detail...

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