Friday, July 12, 2013

Doing The Right Thing

Doing the right thing even when you don't want to will determine the rest of your life....

It really isn't that hard to do the right thing, but so many people make a conscious decision not to... Then, when things start falling apart, they complain and whine and act as if the world has dealt them some raw deal.

I say if you are going to throw a punch you better be willing to take a punch or two. The good juju doesn't come your way by magic. Yeah I know, juju is magic, but you have to build your life around the good juju...because that is one of the few things you have power over.

Now I've heard that saying that bad things happen to good people. Like he she left him with no warning or he left her with nothing etc. And so yes you can do many things right and still get dealt a shitty deal...but is it? A shitty deal I mean....when things go sour on you, you have to evaluate what's next. Do the right thing in a humble way.

Don't use your kids as a pawn in a divorce, don't take all the money out of your joint account to make him/her pay, and don't go Angela Bassett on him and burn his clothes and car...even though you might look and feel like a Bad Momma doing it
As tempting as it is to Rock Their World....don't do it. Just do the right thing. For triumph, sweet triumph will find you if you choose the right path.

In the movie 'Waiting To Exhale' she doesn't go to jail for starting this fire but in real life? She would have gone to jail in a hearbeat and been slapped with a gazillion fines, suffered public humiliation and felt even worse about an already crappy life situation.

When I say do the right thing in a humble way what I mean is...if he or she is choosing to walk out of your life for someone else then allow them, don't try to control their move. Communicate how you feel but don't command your desired outcome.I've learned the hard way that the things that seem like a shitty deal at first, as if it's some kind of cosmic joke, always end up being for the best in the end.

It's really simple people, if you get a speeding ticket, pay it and stop speeding. If you're in a relationship and want out, say it ~don't cheat. If you need money, work for it~ don't steal it. If you give your word to love, honor, and worship/obey~ then keep your word.

Because if you don't, the only one suffering in the end is you. If you choose to lie, cheat or steal then you are embracing evil into your soul and you will get evil in return. I promise you that's how the world works.

I look at dishonesty as walking around with a mask on. We've all done it~faked our way through a moment, a meeting, a relationship....thinking that if we could just keep up the lie everything would be hunky dory.  It never works, but people keep doing it! Are we that stupid? Or are we fooled into thinking we can cheat life to our advantage in some way?

Maybe doing the right thing is hard because we want to avoid things like rejection and pain. Pain is no fun whether it be physical or emotional (that's a no-brainer) but you still have to walk through it when you find yourself in those moments because lying about it won't solve it. It will just make it worse.

I am certain that your life path is determined by doing the right thing, making those hard choices and sometimes standing alone in those choices. We are all programmed in our soul to know what right is. We just have to slow down, and consciously search our soul for the answer, and then be willing to walk through it.

Stay Strong...&

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